Safeguarding during Coronavirus

Advise and Support for Families

For parents

  • The Institute of Health Visiting website has put together links and resources from trusted organisations to support parents and in particular with information relevant to Covid 19.

For families with young babies

  • An infant crying is normal and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around 2 weeks of age. Babies cry: You can cope. For support and advice click here.
  • Lift the Baby and Every Sleep Counts have put toegther helpful advise for new parents. 


Support with your Mental Health

Cognitive behaviour therapy is widely used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. The idea is that the reframing of thoughts and beliefs  can change how we respond to situations. This free resource is  specifically aimed at young people and their families to help with the emotional fall-out of Covid crisis. This brief course comes in bite-sized sections and is primarily aimed at young people aged between 12-18, however the content is equally beneficial to parents, families, teachers and supporters of young people.

The mentalhealth charity Mind have developed specific support for 'Coronavirus and your wellbeing'.  

Stay safe during Covid. SaveLives have support and advise for victims and surviviors of domestic abuse. 

Domestic Abuse in isolation poster