Useful Contacts

Find services near you - NHS (

Integrated Care 24 (IC24) between 6.00am-6.30pm 0300 5555252
Age Concern 01622 753618
Alcoholics Anonymous 08457697555/751842
Boots Pharmacy - King Street 01622 690751
Health Visitor Advice Line 0300 555 0506
Child Health - Customer Care Team 0300 123 1807
Citizens Advice Bureau 01622 752420 / 757882
CRUSE (bereavement counselling) 671011
Department of Social Security 01622 402400
District Nurses (through our reception) 01622 756721
Family Planning 01622 226071
Foster Street - Chiropody 0300 1236756
Involve Kent (car drivers service, seven days' notice required, if possible) 01622 235833
Kent County Council Help Centre 01622 691640
Kent Primary Care Agency 01622 655000
Link Pharmacy - King Street 01622 752990
Allington Pharmacy 01622 756477 
Hobbs Pharmacy - Bower Mount 01622 752523 
Maidstone Borough Council 01622 602000
Maidstone Hospital 01622 729000
Maidstone Hospital x-ray department 01622 225686
MIND 692383
NHS 111 - After 6.30pm 111
NHS 111 - Routine and daytime emergency dental care 111
NHS Smokers' Support Service 0300 1231807 
G4S Healthcare Services (Non-emergency patient transport) 0800 0960211
Planned Care (hospital appointments) 0845 1552345
Red Cross (for short-term wheelchair loan) 0800 0280 831
RELATE 01892 529927
Samaritans 01622 674444 / 674445
Social Services  (For home help, concern about elderly relatives, or in connection with respite care) 03000 416161
(out of hours) 0845 762 6777
Spire Alexandra Hospital 01634 687166
The Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury 01892 823535
Turning Point (drug and alcohol counselling) 01622 690944